Dixon School Preschool
Lynette Vance—Director
Dana Darlington—Preschool Teacher
Casey Plouffe—Caregiver
Shilani Stipe—Caregiver
Mission Statement
At Dixon Day Care we will provide a safe environment where your child can develop the foundation for becoming a reader.
Reading is the key to learning and we will provide activities that help your child acquire those skills. Telling stories, reading stories, and talking are all ways to develop the language skills necessary for learning. We are also introducing the possibility to buy sociology papers via https://essaysworld.net/custom-sociology-essay-writing-service, in order to use real examples to explain to students the performance of various types of academic tasks, to analyze the use of literary techniques, to get acquainted with the most popular sources of information. We will provide age appropriate activities to support your efforts to help your child grow.
April News
The children are excited to be outside as Spring allows AND we can see the ground in our play yard. As a reminder, please continue to bring outdoor clothing including coats, hats and gloves so the children will stay warm while playing outside. We will try to take more nature hikes and they will need shoes so they can enjoy the out of doors.
There are only two short months before school ends and we take a break before starting up again in the Fall about the time school begins.
We are enjoying all of the wonderful little personalities that come to us on any given day. Thank you to all who have entrusted us with the care of your precious little children.
*Wacky Week*
We will be exploring Wacky week with science experimentation and fun vocabulary. Things that are squishy, slimy and slippery are fun for anyone to explore especially preschoolers.
*Changing Weather*
Changing Weather is what March is all about so we will be discussing signs of spring and how to dress appropriately. We will be working with all our senses to appreciate the change of seasons that will be approaching.
*Bunches of Bunnies*
Bunches of bunnies will be as we approach spring with the new life that is happening on most of our farms. The new critters that are being born are quite exciting and we will be celebrating that new birth.
*Academic Instruction*
Letters S-T-U
Numbers 15 & 16
The Color Green
This month we will be working on the letters, color and numbers in the Academic Instruction list. Recognition is important and we will work all month on these areas of interest in our work week.
*Snacks are Important!*
Young children need snacks. Toddlers and preschool age children and have ambitious nutritional requirements but can only eat a little at a time. They are not able to go as long as adults can without eating. Snacks are necessary to help them meet their daily caloric and nutritional needs. Now is the time to instill a taste for a variety of healthy eating based on whole grain foods, high fiber, lean proteins, low-fat dairy, less added sugar, and more fruits and vegetables. Avoid only snacks you know your child likes. Pair those foods with new foods. Your child will probably repeatedly choose the more familiar food, but he or she will eventually try and may even like the new food!
Home Activities
Spring Weather Song
(Sung to the tune of Did you ever see a Lassie?)
Did you ever feel the wind blow,
The wind blow, the wind blow?
Did you ever hear the wind blow
On a warm springtime day?
Special Thanks
February we recognized Dental Health Month and we were given new toothbrushes and toothpaste from the Ronan Clinic.
Updated March/April 2014