8 Tips for Fostering a Love of Reading at The Preschool




In a world filled with screens and digital distractions, the importance of early reading cannot be overstated. As parents, caregivers, and educators, we have the wonderful opportunity to foster a love of reading in young children during their preschool years. By instilling this love for reading early on, we lay the foundation for their lifelong learning and success. In this article, we will explore eight tips for creating a reading-friendly environment and nurturing a passion for books at the preschool level.

I. Create a Reading-Friendly Environment

To captivate young minds and make reading an inviting experience, it's crucial to set up a cozy and welcoming reading corner in the preschool. Designate a special area with comfortable seating, cushions, and soft lighting. Surround children with a variety of age-appropriate books and reading materials that cater to their interests and developmental stages.

II. Read Aloud Frequently

Daily read-aloud sessions are key to developing children's literacy skills and fostering their love for stories. Choose engaging and interactive books that capture their attention and imagination. Use expressive voices, gestures, and props to bring the story to life, making the experience enjoyable and memorable.

III. Encourage Active Participation

Encouraging children to actively participate during reading sessions enhances their engagement and comprehension. To further enhance the reading-friendly environment and encourage active engagement with books, consider providing opportunities for children to buy book report or create their own, allowing them to share their thoughts and recommendations with their peers. Ask open-ended questions that spark their curiosity and initiate discussions about the story. Encourage children to make predictions, share their opinions, and relate the story to their own experiences, making reading a collaborative and interactive process.

IV. Make Reading Fun with Activities and Games

To make reading even more enjoyable, incorporate interactive reading activities and games into the preschool curriculum. Organize storytelling sessions, puppet shows, or dramatic play based on books, allowing children to actively participate in the story. Introduce educational apps and online resources that promote reading skills and provide an interactive platform for children to explore and learn.

V. Connect Reading to Real-Life Experiences

Help children make meaningful connections between books and their daily lives. Relate stories to relevant topics or events happening in the preschool or the children's lives. Plan field trips or visits to the library to further explore the world of books and show children how reading is relevant and applicable to their everyday experiences.

VI. Involve Families in the Reading Journey

Parents play a crucial role in fostering a love of reading. Encourage parents to read with their children at home and provide resources and recommendations for age-appropriate books. Organize family literacy events or parent-child reading workshops to create a supportive community that values and promotes reading.

VII. Celebrate Achievements and Create Incentives

Recognize and celebrate children's reading accomplishments to motivate and encourage their progress. Establish reading milestones and provide rewards or certificates as a way to acknowledge their efforts and achievements. Creating a supportive and encouraging environment helps all children develop a genuine love for reading.

VIII. Lead by Example

As adults, we need to serve as role models by showcasing our own love for reading. Share personal reading experiences and recommendations with children and parents. Demonstrate the joy and pleasure of reading through your enthusiasm and engagement, inspiring children to follow suit.


By implementing these eight tips, parents, caregivers, and educators can foster a love of reading in preschool children, setting them on a path of intellectual growth and a lifelong passion for books. Let's create reading-friendly environments, read aloud frequently, encourage active participation, make reading fun through activities and games, connect reading to real-life experiences, involve families in the reading journey, celebrate achievements, and lead by example. Together, we can inspire a generation of avid readers and lifelong learners.